Overton High School was originally constructed in 1957. There have been multiple additions over the past 58 years to accommodate the needs of the growing school. When TMP was awarded this project in August 2015, we were tasked with adding 25 classrooms, replacing multiple outdated mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems, and improving vehicle circulation across the 41 acre site.
Rather than simply latching a 25 classroom addition on to the existing building which would improve only one area of the school, TMP analyzed the campus as a whole to determine the best value for the owner’s budget. Expanding the facility with small strategically-located additions will improve campus security, vehicle circulation, and internal building circulation while reducing the total square footage required to accommodate the new space needs.
Relocating large campus functions such as the cafeteria and library concentrates large gathering spaces in a single zone and frees up space within the existing building for new learning spaces. This also reduces hallway traffic and potential distractions in learning zones and creates a “backdoor” for bus drop-off and pick-up separating bus traffic from car traffic. Loading dock, dumpster, and service areas are also able to be relocated from the center to the rear of the campus to free up space for internal courtyards and flexible, outdoor learning spaces.
Metro Nashville Public Schools
Nashville, TN
Square Feet
157,821 (proposed)
LEED Silver Anticipated
Design Services